Clean up your accumulated A/R and Collect More with 247MBS

Clean up your accumulated A/R and Collect More with 247MBS

Exciting Offer - 30% Off on First Three Invoices   

Are you struggling with managing claims and collections at your practice? If yes, then it is time to outsource your billing needs to an experienced service provider. 247MBS has come up with just the right offer for you. We are giving a flat 30% discount to first three invoices along with a free A/R cleanup, so partner with us today to avail this exclusive offer! 247MBS is the one stop shop for revenue cycle needs of various chiropractors across the US. With medical billing as our core competency, our billing and collections experts have been managing RCM for various chiropractors efficiently from many years. By availing our fantastic offer, you would not only improve your claims and collections and boost revenue up to 30% but also give a competitive edge to your practice. You can rely on our team of experts to submit timely, 98% clean claims, reduce A/R days, work on denials, send you daily claims status reports. We also offer clearinghouse services. Key medical billing services on offer:
  • Insurance verification and precertification
  • Patient demographic entry
  • ICD-10 and CPT coding
  • Charge entry
  • Claims submission
  • Payment posting
  • A/R follow up
  • Denial management
Clean up A/R and Boost Cash Flow for FREE! Why put past-due invoices on the back burner? We are here to help you clean up or audit your A/R for free. How we keep your A/R operations running smoothly?
  • Purging of old data
  • Collection from recurring patients
  • Running reports on collection trends
Our team of A/R management experts will not only examine your unpaid invoices and send out friendly reminders but also review outstanding invoices and compare previous audits to keep a close eye on receivables and implement best collections practices. At 247MBS, we clearly understand the challenges faced by chiropractic offices and their struggle in getting paid on time. Our team will be happy to assist you with our tailor-made solutions. Call us today for more details on our exciting offer.  
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