Will Hyper-Digitization Drive The Next Industrial Revolution?

The change is always expected phenomenon which will happen for every set of years. The era which we are living is based on digitization which inherits partial money transaction happening manually and digitally. But the biggest question is will money get completely digitalized in upcoming years? The answer of the question depends upon each and every industry. In medical industry the chances can vary but partially most of the population will move towards hyper digitization.

What is hyper digitization?

Before getting into the topic, people must have quite awareness about what term we are dealing today. As the heading it reflects the whole content’s concept, the need to clarify many new changes regarding hyper digitization is really amusing. Just imagine every hospital swiping cards in next 2020. Our imagination box shows that as a corporate area. Even the blood stained notes will completely turn into decent shining cards. With a single swipe, there are chances for you whole billing statement to get paid. Even there are chances for getting advices from doctor in internet.

The digital world has already started submerging us but the more we are into this hyper digitization like making payments and concentrating every single transaction on basis of online, then our lifestyle will become more simple. There will be no need of getting in long queues for withdrawing money.

Can medical industry become hyper-digitalized?

The chances for medical industry to get hyper-digitalized is little but if the mindset of people are good then there are good chances for whole health care industry to get revolutionized in upcoming years. There are lots of benefits when hyper digitalization happens. But comparing with good effects there are some of the bad effects in medical industry. The next decade will surely undergo some of the changes which will inherit some of the phases of hyper digitization.


Boon or bane?

The chances for either boon or bane are equal. If a new product hits there are good as well as bad in it. Likewise there are both chances for getting benefits and disadvantages. The chances of losing money will be more but spending will be calculated in balanced amount. The change will take some time to happen in rural areas, if they are pretty okay with hyper digitization then there are chances for boon in the medical industry. All standards of people cannot accept this hyper digitization change but just the upper class people can implement this change in just weeks of medical industry’s announcement.

Bloom of medical industry will be good enough in upcoming years because everything right from MIPS, medical billings are done in online and via internet. The chances of getting good raise is medical industry is prevailing for current days. The mindset of people plays an important role. Since people were ready to accept the digitization it is running successfully. Likewise if people are upcoming in their standards to upgrade to next level there are chances for getting a good bloom in medical industry without any stumping blocks. Let us look forward for better future.