An Overview of MIPS for Small, Rural, and Underserved Practices

Quality payment program is shortly called as QPP which is used in the medical practices to enable Merit based Incentive Payment System and the other system called Alternative Payment Models. MIPS is mainly useful in the undeserved, small and rural practices. To be precise QPP is based on the quality of treatment given by the clinicians and Doctors rather than the quantity. It focuses on making the patients healthier. Hence the payment is done only based on the care provided. Merit based system is widely received and appreciated as it ensures quality treatment for the patients.

Strategic Goals of QPP

  • Improve Beneficiary Outcomes
  • The main goal of QPP is to get the patients involved in the Merit Bases Incentive Payment System and in Advanced Alternative Payment Models.
  • Enhance
  • To improve the tools to be easy to use for the patients and to make transparent programs for the clinicians.
  • Increase
  • Increasing the availability of alternative payment models and also adopting the alternative payment models as per QPP system.
  • Promote
  • Promote the understanding of this program so that the participation can be maximized.
  • For promotion, customize the communication and expand the education and outreach.
  • Another major task of promotion is to outreach to expand the program and its system.
  • Give proper support to meet the needs of wide range of patients and its clinician practices.
  • This support is mainly given for the small and rural practices as support is highly needed.

  • Improve
  • Improve sharing of data and information and increasing the sharing capabilities.
  • When sharing capability is enhanced, it increases the accuracy, timing and also prompts proper feedback to the stake holders and to the clinicians.
  • Deliver
  • Deliver the IT systems and increase its capabilities so that users can get seamless front and back end support.
  • The needs of the users are met efficiently.
  • Excellence in implementation of program for pursuing the development.

Small practices can get involved and get benefited through QPP

  • It reduces the time for the participation and cost also is reduced
  • It increases the chances to get engaged in advanced Alternative Payment Models
  • Improves the APMs as a better alternative for cost-based system and enhances the practice based option.
  • Implementing the technical support and increasing the outreach through QPP support.

Exception from MIPS

  • Those who are newly enrolled in the medicare are exempted from MIPS
  • If they have enrolled with medicare for the first time especially in the performance period then they are exempted from MIPS
  • If they have 100 medicare patients or below than that then they are exempted from MIPS
  • Medicare value below $30,000 per year is also exempted from MIPS
  • Considerably involving in Advanced Alternate Payment Models.

These are the main objectives of QPP to enable alternate payment models and Merit based Incentive Payment System. This sheds some light on how it is going to be beneficial for clinicians and patients regarding quality treatment and payments for the treatment.