Listen to the eight digital health predictions for 2017

Many medical professionals throughout the nation these days get the best improvement from the beginning of 2017 and new Presidential administration. They are very conscious about the digital health industry predictions 2017 and focus on such predictions from experts in the healthcare sector. The presidency of Trump will slow down the some elements of IT adoption. The state of uncertainty nature of the many things associated with the presidency of Donald Trump these days confuse many medical professionals who think about how to take advantage of the digital healthcare issues.

Healthcare as well as healthcare executives throughout the nation these days take a very caution method going forward. They predict that healthcare IT market will be soft in 2017.  They will like to continue with the contract they have signed or big EHR replacement program they have begun doing. They do not have an idea to move quickly on the replacement.

Qualified and well experienced healthcare professionals these days predict a good improvement in the M&A and IPOs. Fred Wilson is the cofounder of Union Square Ventures. He revealed in his blog that tax plans of Trump could lead to a windfall of new cash available for companies that could translate to the boom of M&A. M &A has begun increasing in the last few years and the strong flow of funding continues as planned.  IPO could set off an ideal fervor for IPO technology.

Digital health companies throughout the nation may have to change different elements in the routine process.  The overall investment of pharma in the digital health will be enhanced steadily and slowly. Pharma makes serious investments in the digital health sector in recent times like Eli Lilly investment in small injectable, AstraZeneca. Pharma requires more than a couple of years to settle successfully into the digital health space.

The transparency of the hospital price may be increased while there are no notable moves from payers. Health insurers throughout the nation not yet gear up for any serious investment in the digital health sector. Improved adoption of video visits, enhanced apps and efficient use of wearable as well as wellness programs associated with incentivise in payments. Connected health and telemedicine will converge as video visits become table stakes in the upcoming days.

Many companies such as Teladoc keep setting some new records of different remote visits every month.  The licensure and regulatory barriers to telemedicine will be softened further. The federation of State Medical Boards successfully has gotten 18 out of 50 states for enacting the legislation that lets them take part in the interstate licensure compact.

Wearable things will turn the new corner because 2016 was a rough year for such wearable items. Fitness wearable has lost its luster due to a hot new gadget and failure to prove the value as a health device. Apple will ramp up healthcare ambitions. Apple discussions regarding two cardiac devices, a Parkinson’s diagnostic app revealed ever-increasing efforts of this company to excel in the most competitive digital health sector.